Tuesday, April 28, 2009

For from time to time...

My brother is super awesome. He is a teacher at the Nicaragua Christian Academy in Managua, Nicaragua. Not only does he coach basketball, teach a bazillion subjects, mentor his younger brother in law, serve and love his wife to the utmost - Joel recruited one of his NCA students to attend Calvin College. The student has lived his whole life in Nicaragua, and needs sponsors in order that, for the next 4 years, he attend the educational institution that changed my life and many others I know. I received an email from Joel the other day asking if I would like to sponser this student. As a side note, Joel directed me to Acts chapter 4, and prompted me to listen to a sermon by Jeff Manion - one of my favorites, as you all know.

Of course I listened to the sermon, called Generosity and Deception, which centers around Acts chapter 4. Part of the chapter talks about the first church, and the believers that were a part of it. One section of the chapter just blows my mind. It blows my mind because the first church GOT IT. At least, that's what verses 34-35 leads me to believe. It says, "There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, and brought the money from the sales, and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need." Wh -at? No needy persons among them? In the first church? And "from time to time" really rich people sold their STUFF so that those that didn't have as much could have more? Baffling! But should it be baffling? If the Bible is to be our guide, our example for what we as Christians are to look like, then shouldn't Acts 4 be the backdrop of all our giving? Would reading Acts chapter 4:34-35 before taking offering at church change peoples' giving habits?

Back to the aspiring NCA (soon to be) Calvin student in Nicaragua. Joel has presented me with an opportunity to give. Acts chapter 4 has presented me with this idea that "From time to time" the first ever Christians sold their junk and gave the money they earned to THOSE IN NEED! Now, I tend to get my emotions mixed in with a lot of my decision making - which can be good at times, and also has proven to be very detrimental. So I need to look at these ideas and evaluate them carefully. I don't have to make any decisions today (although I need to decide soon), and I am thankful for that, because it gives me more time to listen to what God is trying to say to me, specifically, for this situation. What could I give? Why not "put my finances" so to speak, at the feet of Jesus, and see how He uses them? How much could this particular Nicaraguan believer benefit from my financial submission?

Just some ideas God has been laying on my heart - and I couldn't go to sleep without puting it into writing. "From time to time..."

*other exciting news: my mom is coming to visit in 2 days!!!!!

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