Saturday, April 04, 2009

Jeff Manion can bring it.

I have never been so thankful for Saturdays and Sundays. It is the week before break here in southern Cali, and the days ahead seem like they may never end. So, praise God for Saturdays and Sundays. SO needed for a slightly burnt-out teacher. :)

This morning I woke up earlier than I do most school days to proctor the ACT at school. I get paid for it, so I say it's worth it in the end. My neice (niece?) called me this afternoon from my sister's cell phone. I heard "Hi Auntie Allison. Pool." To which my sister decoded to mean they were spending some family time away this weekend where there happens to be a pool! Gotta love 2 year old talk. :) Then I spent some quality time with a good friend this afternoon - sipping coffee and taking in the sun (naturally) Now I am finally home from all the days' ventures, and to relax, I put on a sermon from Jeff Manion. My brother Zack emailed me earlier this week and said this was a phenomenal sermon, and I never doubted it for a second, needless to say I was eager to listen. I encourage you (if anyone is actually reading this) to go onto and then go to Archived Sermons and listen to "Burial" by Jeff Manion. I listened to it 1.5 times. I went back and jotted down notes the second round. Here are the ways God spoke to me through Jeff Manion today - just some profound truths to meditate on. (The main Scripture he used was from 1 Corinthians 15, by the way - maybe not the traditional place you'd look for an "Easter-ish" sermon, but so good - check it out!)

Profound Truths:

1) Priority #1 for Christ-followers - Christ died, Christ buried, Christ resurrected.
2) In eternity, we will have a resurrected body, in a resurrected place, with our resurrected Lord. I can't wait.
3) I am incapable of self-rescue.
4) As a Christ follower - we should be more defined by what was done FOR us than what was done TO us. (helps take the focus off of us - and puts it back on Jesus)

I may listen to it one more time just to get it all - but definitely worth the 40 minutes. Jeff Manion can bring it.

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