Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jesus for President.

I am reading a book right now that is completely blowing my mind. Seriously, I have stopped and re-read sections and quotations in this book more than any other book I have read in my life. Books that make me stop and say "Hm..." are what I call a good read. This one is not just a good read in the sense that it is fun to read and helps the time to pass, but this book is seriously rocking my way of thinking.

Have you heard of Shane Claiborne? He wrote this really great book (which I actually have not read...just heard lots about and plan to read after I finish this one) called The Irresistable Revolution. Well, Shane Claiborne partnered wtih this other really awesome guy (awesome, based on their writings) named Chris Haw, and wrote this "rock my world" book I am currently enthralled with called Jesus for President. I cannot even begin to explain all the ways this book has rocked my perspectives on government, war, peace, violence, redemption, reconciliation, and what it means to be "Little Christs," (as that is what the term Christian really means...I learned that in this book!) I recommend that everyone who reads this blog (all 4 of you...) get your hands on a copy of Jesus for President. Be aware that it WILL rock your world. You might get angry (especially if you love(d) George W. and/or have ties to military), but I say what is a good book without it shaking ya up a bit? Do I agree with everything in this book? Mmmm....I don't know yet. But I can tell you that this book has caused me to draw nearer to the heart of Jesus, and to seek His sort of peace and love in the way I relate to others - so I'd say it's been quite worthwhile.

I can't begin to tell you everything that this book has challenged me on, but I will share this quote with you, (it was this quote that made me re-read, stop, get my computer, and post this entry).

"Jesus is forming a new kind of people, a different kind of party, whose peculiar politics are embodied in who we are. The church is a people called out of the world to embody a social alternative that the world cannot know on its own terms." (italics mine)

Jesus for President. By Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw. Read it.

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