Monday, September 14, 2009

This crazy profession we call Teaching.

A gem from my first full day of school (last Wednesday): we have the same homeroom kids every year, which I didn't previously know. I think it's a pretty cool thing, though, as it lends itself to community, which is always a plus in my book. :) As my kids filtered into my room, I sat at my computer trying to look busy. One of my favorite students from last year came over to my desk and stood there waiting for a hug, saying "Senorita! How was your summer??" That was a gem.
At church yesterday I was telling our children's pastor that it's been tough getting used to the school year schedule again - what with 3 months off and all. He just looked at me and said, "You're not going to get any sympathy from people who work all year round, Allison!" I had to smile, because I know that ALL others who did not choose this crazy profession called teaching have this view - they think it is completely ridiculous that a portion of the population should be granted vacation for 3 straight months. I supposed if I had not chosen said profession, I would feel the same way.

Although my homeroom kids are the same from last year, I have brand new students in all my Spanish classes this year. The interesting thing, though, is that because my first two years of teaching I taught K-8th grade, for the next...few years...I will have some of the same kids I taught on the other campus! Which means...some of these kids have had me for 3 or more years! What luck :) You know how it's really easy to look back at your past through rose-colored glasses and see that what was then is so much better than what is now? That is how I was feeling last week as I began to teach new kids. I am not used to these kids yet, and, more importantly, they are not used to me!
Last week I found myself in this slump of "Do I really want to be a teacher?" and I actually began looking online for a new profession - typing careers into google, which led me to a long list of professions, from musician to social worker. Aaron and I talk about this a lot - I compare my job as a teacher to his job at Starbucks - thinking he's got it made in the shade! Who wouldn't want to be around the delicious smell of coffee and baked goods all day long, with the sole purpose of making someone's day by giving them a yummy drink?! So, I actually went onto the Starbucks Corporation website - no joke - and researched jobs. Corporate positions, store positions, etc. And after it all, I am still a teacher, for the next 9 months anyway.
This thought of "Is there a better profession for Allison out there?" was starting to irk me, because no one wants to go into work every day wondering if there is somewhere else they would be happier or better suited. So - I decided to pray about it. I know, I know, prayer should have been my very first reaction, right? I am super specific when I talk to God about stuff, because I figure He knows what I'm thinking anyway...might as well lay it all out there. So I prayed that God would fill me up with just enough strength and passion for a day. And then I'd pray the same thing the next day, and the next, and the next. Because I really think it's a daily discipline to confess our extreme vulnerability and weaknesses to God and allow His strength to daily work through us. And the best thing happens: I not only make it through a day of teaching, I am actually enjoying it! And in all honesty, I think that's how God wants it to be for me - a daily confession of my extreme lack so that He can give me His fullness.

The picture I am posting is from last May when my mom and sister were visiting and I took them to see my classroom. (I don't actually teach in long shorts and a t-shirt...) Just thought I'd post it so you can picture me when I tell you crazy teaching stories from now on...

To conclude....a few gems from today: Chocolate cake in the teacher's lounge, free coffee in the teacher's lounge, and it's actually feeling like FALL here! I think fall is my favorite season...something about chilly air and pumpkin spice lattes.... :)

1 comment:

Michelle Kleinsasser said...

Allison -- this is Zack (not Michelle), but thanks for the post. Your prayer is a great reminder.