Today after school I came home with the intention of reading another chapter or two in the newest Donald Miller book but ended up taking an hour and a half nap, sitting up, with my glasses on, Keith Kleinsasser style. :) AND I just got home from running an errand, and even though it's after 10pm and I should just go to bed...I am eating a few scoops of ice cream, also very Keith Kleinsasser style. :)
OH! - before I go any further - thank you so much for your prayers for my brother Joel! He came home from the hospital in the middle of last week and is doing better!! God is good!
It seems I like to blog on Mondays. Wonder why? Maybe because I usually have just had an incredible weekend, and want to share all about it...
Sunday, the 25th. A semi-difficult day for me. It was the two-year anniversary of my friend Katherine's death. It is a tragic story that I don't care to write about here, but if you want to read what I wrote about in the midst of my own grief, check this out. Katherine was one-of-a-kind chica. I miss her a lot.
Saturday, the 24th. Went to the BEACH with my good pal Megan Zwier. No joke, it was about 90 degrees in southern Cali on Saturday, so we decided to make the most of it. (my apologies to those who witnessed snow or below 90 degree weather this past and dad!) MZ packed us a lunch, and got the inside scoop on a yummy new discovery called Frosted. I will have to get pictures from her and post them on here, because it was quite a fun adventure!
Friday, the 23rd. I went to the doc for my voice. If you didn't know - I lose my voice every single week. By Friday, I can barely speak. It's gotten pretty bad, and I was starting to freak out that I may damage my voice forever (and if I am ever going to make it on American Idol...), so I wanted to get checked out. Turns out it's not horrible yet, but my doc referred me to a head and neck specialist - who will stick a small camera-tube thing up my nose and down my throat to get a better look at my vocal chords. OUCH. Stay tuned. Oh, and my doc diagnosed me with "Chronic Horseness" and wrote up a note for my administration that a microphone is necessary for me to keep teaching. Stay tuned for that too. After what seemed like an endless week of discipline issues, vocal issues, was 3pm on Friday. I look forward to that moment SO MUCH. That evening Aaron and I went to a birthday party for his good friend's daughter who turned 3. It was a cowgirl theme - complete with hay bails, country music, pin the tail on the donkey, and a plastic cowboy boot for every kid to take home. I was completely exhausted, but it was fun to hang out with some different folks. (did I just say folks?) :)
Thursday, the 22nd. My first meeting at school for my club, LOFT. I had close to 20 girls show up, which was an awesome turnout. I picked up donuts and Starbucks (they give it to you in a neat box with creamer, cups, and stir sticks - what a deal!) I led three songs on guitar, and the girls loved singing - so that's going to be a fun tradition. Then I opened up and asked the girls what God's been doing in their lives, and the conversation just flowed. I mean, it was one girl after another sharing how God is uniquely present in their lives on a day to day basis. It was encouraging to listen to - and we actually were still finishing up prayer when the bell for 1st period rang...!
And that's really all that's new and exciting around here. I am getting more and more pumped for my trip to Nicaragua in November, and for Christmas in Michigan - where my whole fam gets to meet Aaron!!!!!!! He's kind of a big deal. :)
Pictures to come soon! (for Lora)
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