Teacher friends chaperoning the dance.
You can breathe now. I am about to update you on the homecoming dance. I know you have been waiting with baited breath (?) to hear all about Aaron's teaching, and my mad partner skills. Aaron is a great teacher. He was personable, funny, and organized. We taught two sessions, the first one went really well, and the second was not as great because at that point kids could leave the dance (they have to stay until 10pm, then they can go home...which a lot of kids like to do). But we had a good time - my friends and I chaperoned, and of course it was super fun dressing up and dancing with a cute dance instructor. :)
Sunday was a super fun day. My two cousins Lindsey and Gina got baptized at their church near Laguna Hills. Their dad, cousin Steve, had invited Aaron and I to join them for church, lunch, and the baptism that afternoon. The church service was super awesome, Jeff Manion status, no joke. And one of the coolest things is that the pastor is related to Lindsey and Gina! So it was special for him to baptize both of the girls. They gave touching testimonies and it was a celebration. Aaron and I had fun with all the California cousins at lunch, and for dessert and coffee at Nancy's afterward. We also got some exciting news! Can you see what (little) cousin Noah's shirt says? It says "Big Bro," which means...Matt and Stacy are having another baby! Woo hoo!
I taught only a few days this week, then met with lots of parents. All the while, losing my voice a...little...more...each...day.
Now comes the biggest/craziest/not so good news. Every week so far this school year I have lost my voice, and by Friday, I can barely talk. On Thursday after conferences (and a 2 hour nap!) I saw an ear, nose, and throat specialist. I'll spare you the details of the experience, but the outcome is that I have nodules on my vocal folds, which, if left untreated, can permanently ruin my voice. Yikes!! The doctor then informed me that I have to take a week off from teaching...to rest my voice. Which means - I have to stay home and NOT TALK for a week!!! I start speech therapy sessions this week, and will need to re-evaluate the way I teach/live...Needless to say, it was not the greatest afternoon ever.
I talked with my principal on Friday, and am in the process of writing lesson plans for all of next week. So you can expect a few more blog posts than normal this week, as I'll be chillin' at home..er...not talking.
And that's the latest.
Dance - fun.
Baptism & California rellies - amazing.
1/2 week of school - decent.
Doctor's news - disappointing and a little scary. Where I am weak, HE is strong.
This coming week - hopeful and taking it one day at a time. :)
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