I know I don't update enough, and now it is clear that MANY people read my blog (thanks for leaving comments, friends.)
Here is a quick attempt at a post before I hit the hay for the day (hey, that rhymes!!):
*I now use a sweet microphone to teach. I only got one mean comment about it from a student.
*Small group Wednesday nights = awesome. It helps to have a Bible teacher and a youth pastor as part of your group. Played one of my fav worship songs "Meet with Me"
*Thursday - you will never believe it, but I did NOT watch The Office! Instead, I fell asleep on the couch around 7:30, then made it to my own bed around 8:15. That's right. In bed by 8:15. Tired, much?
*Friday - Sunday = Christmas shows and concerts! Our church had a funny Christmas show on Fri and Sat nights, and of course I went to both shows because I have some funny friends that were in it. My fav part of our Christmas show was our worship pastor Paul and another worship leader Jen singing Andre Bocceli's song "The Prayer." A-mazing. A-mazing. :) Sunday night I went to a different Christmas program...this time to support my old college roommie Megan in her acting debut. She played the cheezy role of "Wife of soldier and mother of three" and had a ton of lines to memorize. She was spectacular!
So far this week has been LONG. I feel like I have been grading papers for 1800 hours because of that week I was gone for vocal rest. Geez. I finally entered the last few into our online gradebook. The feeling of "all done" will last but an evening...when a million students are bound to come to me tomorrow with late work once they see all the zeroes they have. Oh the joys.
LOFT has been going really well - I am thankful for that - God is doing some really good things there...so that's encouraging. One of my roommates got engaged last week...which leaves three of us in a very large house next year...anyone need a place to live? :)
I just went back and re-read this post. What a strange collection of pictures and thoughts. Hm.
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