Thursday, October 06, 2011

A day with Jordan.

Last Saturday I spent a few hours with Jordan, a student that I taught 2 years ago. She has been a faithful LOFT club member, and is in her senior year of high school!! Last year and the year before, Jordan would get to school for LOFT club sometimes even before me! She was always willing and eager to help move the desks around my room, and get things set up for the meeting. Jordan is one of those students you have who is incredibly genuine about their faith, and with their relationships. Jordan loves God so much, and it is truly evident in her life. There were many times at LOFT that I felt very encouraged by things Jordan (or other LOFT girls) said. I hope that even though I am not at the school anymore, LOFT can still be a place for girls to meet and share their faith together.

It has been awhile since we have seen each other, so we decided to go out for lunch at a favorite place of mine...Panera Bread.

While at Panera, Jordan and I caught up on all the important things in life, like who is on the homecoming court this year, and the inevitable drama that comes with being in high school. Jordan has some funny and occasionally wise things to in one of these pictures, I am writing down things she said that day. Jordan thought that would be a good picture for my blog post all about her. Plus, whenever I hear good thoughts, I like to archive them - so I wrote this on a napkin in Panera bread:

"I'm not going to let my circumstances change my character. I know who I am. If people don't want to listen to me or hang out with me, they are missing out."

And, I as I got up from the table to fill up my coffee mug, she said,

"Oh wait, I have something else to tell you about being black." Apparently she thinks I have a few things to learn! :)

So, in honor of Jordan, here are some pictures (taken on her cell phone) documenting our time together. The last picture is of Jordan's wrist - we bought matching "God is Love" bracelets, and she wore it to church on Sunday, texting me this picture. It's a little dark, but I wanted to post it anyway.

1 comment:

Pam said...

What a special person you both are! Thanks for sharing this story and yourself!