Monday, October 17, 2011

Thankful for mom.

Last week I had the opportunity to earn a few bucks - I cleaned for a family of 5! I got there, and looked at the list of duties, then at the supplies. The family apologized for not having a mop, but said I'd have to wash the floors on my hands and knees. Not a problem...because MY MOM taught me to clean the floors on my hands and knees back in the day! Of all the random things to be thankful for...that day as I cleaned I was struck by how thankful I was for my mom - who cleaned our house on her hands and knees more times than I can count...I should have helped out more! As kids, we had to clean a few things, especially when company was coming over, but for the most part I think my mom (and dad) did most of the cleaning. Anyway...THANK YOU, Mom!

In other news...I ran a 5K race on Saturday. WHAT? Yep. I ran a 5K to raise money for a mission trip to Mexico. Woo hoo! I was visiting my good friend Nicole up in Bakersfield (read: it's HOT THERE), and she said, "Oh by the way, there is a 5K at my church tomorrow morning and I am going to run it. Do you want to run too?" How could I turn down such an opportunity? :) Although I was not a happy gal when Nicole woke me up at 6:30am on Saturday, I was glad to be doing the race! Boo ya!

Here are some pics from the 5K:

OK..time to read, then sleep. Current book: Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist. LOVE IT. Excited for a friend and her two kiddos at the library...she takes the 2 year old to storytime...I get to watch the 4.5 month old! Woot! Woot!


Pam said...

Running with friends is the best! It's even better when you are doing it for a good cause.

Way to go Mom!

B and B said...

thanks for the shout-out! and thanks for your help every tuesday... you're the best!