Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rain in California.

Time has been flying by ever since I started working again. Funny how that happens! Every week is so exhausting, but it feels good to work hard again. My students have been testing me this week - I sent kids outside, sent them to the dean of students, and had to make some contact with parents this week. Boo. That is the part of the job that is the worst for me! I have an awesome staff to work with, and they have given me a lot of sound advice on classroom management, and I appreciate that a whole lot.

A friend said to me this week when I was kind of griping about the fact that "After 5.5 years of teaching you'd think I'd get the whole classroom management thing down!" she said, "But Allison, you have changed jobs three times in those 5.5 years!" (This is where one would say that phrase that sounds like TOO SHAY, but I am not sure how to spell it, so you insert it here.)

My sister Heidi had a birthday this week - on Friday. She is the BEST older sister a girl could ask for, I am telling you. She has inspired me, and challenged me, and made me a better person in so many ways, I love her so much! Happy birthday, Heidi!

It has been another great weekend, too. Kind of rainy outside, but I like it. That is what "winter" is supposed to be like in California. After a long week of teaching, I attended a production of "Little Women" that our high school kiddos put on for the public. It was a three hour I was a tired lady....and slept in really late on Saturday! Believe it or not, I had never read the book "Little Women" or seen the it was a brand new experience for me! Ha! I don't know how books get classified as "Classics," but I guess this one is a classic. They should consider Donald Miller, Shane Claiborne, and Shauna Niequist on that "Classics" list in my humble opinion. :)

OK...I gotta run - time for church! Here are two songs I have been loving this week.......take a listen! :)

1 comment:

Joel and Lora said...

Remember that each year brings a new students so the group dynamics will be different. Although I'm sure you'll get your personal classroom management style figured out and feel much more comfortable, you'll probably have to adjust it a bit each year.

For some reasons I couldn't see the songs you had posted. What were they?

Lots of love to you from Nicalandia :)

p.s. touché ;)