Sunday, May 06, 2012

Inspired by other bloggers to finally post.

I read other peoples' blogs on the weekends - it's my little getaway from reality/my own life. After reading so many of these, I remember that I am in fact an author of a blog myself, and I should probably get updating! With that said... The school year is just rolling right along - right out from under me, it seems! Honestly, I hardly remember starting this job back in November of 2011. This past Friday I went with the freshman class to serve at "Giving Children Hope," which is a huge warehouse (why even write the word "Huge"? Doesn't "Warehouse" speak for itself? Silly me...) with medical supplies to send to poor communities in the United States and throughout the world. Then they have a "We've Got Your Back" program in which they fill backpacks with food for an entire weekend and give it to kids in school who are on a breakfast and lunch program. Every Friday the kid returns the empty backpack and receives a full one with food to get them through the weekend. Meeting needs. That is what Giving Children Hope is about. I loved it. I don't know what I would do if I lived alone. Seriously. At times I have said to myself "Wouldn't it be easier and more peaceful to just live alone?" No. For this lady, it would not. My roommate Rosalee seriously helps me get through the day, the week, the weekend. Take today, for example. I decided to show her some Spanish projects my students turned in last week, and then we got to talking about the final exam I still have yet to write. Rose gave me some really great ideas, and I quickly grabbed my yellow notepad; jotted down some great ideas, then later typed up a review for my kiddos. In my mind, I knew I was going to get all this done, but having someone with whom to talk it through really helps. Know what I mean? In the summer, I take grad school classes through Dordt College. I started two summers ago, and I am almost done! Funny thing...I never took the GRE to get in to graduate school - and awhile ago I got an email from the head of the program asking if I'd taken it yet. I was sort of hoping they would change that requirement or something. Roommate Rosalee to the rescue! She reminded me that though it's a long test, and not very fun, Dordt probably just needs the score for its records, and that I probably won't get kicked out of grad school if I don't score perfectly. Another item to check off the list - I am now registered to take the GRE: June 19 at 8am. Just two short days after I return from Minnesota/Iowa. Why put it off any longer? So with that.......I logged onto and ordered the NEW GRE study book for a low low price of $15! Let the studying commence! :) A few months ago at church, two women got up and shared a beautiful testimony that inspired me. They are neighbors, and had seen each other walking on various occasions, so they started walking together once in awhile. Their conversation soon turned to spiritual things, and one invited the other to my church. The woman who was invited joined our church soon after, and it is really cool to see the two of them in church worshipping together. A few weeks ago, I approached the "inviter" and told her that she inspired me, and that I love to walk outside too. She then told me she's been wanting to do a prayer walk with someone to pray for the people who live around our church. Just like that - we are now prayer walk buddies. Our first walk was last week, and it was more a "get to know you" walk - since we'd only recently met each other. Tomorrow is our second walk, and I am excited to see what God lays on our hearts. Last week on our walk she asked me, "You are comfortable praying out loud, right?" I laughed and said, "Yes, most definitely." She responded, "Good, because that would have been awkward." Ha! Praying out loud for our community with another woman of faith AND getting exercise? Yes, please! God continues to fill me with His joy each day - I am thankful for the opportunities He puts in my path. Last week at youth group I had the opportunity to pray with a girl who is struggling with body image - the very thing I struggled with for YEARS in high school and college (okay...and am still struggling with today...) Small group on Wednesday nights brings me lots of joy through LAUGHTER and good discussion. Last Monday I was inspired to cook (!) so I invited a few friends over for an impromtu (is that how you spell it? Doesn't look right...) dinner, and it was wonderful. I sort of felt like Shauna Neiquist (or maybe I just want to feel as cool as her...) I am not the best cook in the world, but if friends are coming over, I am MUCH more motivated! Wowza...I just noticed that it is 10:24pm and I need to be up in....(struggling with the math....)7 hours. Okay, that is a pretty good night's sleep for most....but I am not most! :) Buenas noches a todos...hasta la proxima vez que escribo, amigos. Les quiero mucho. :)

1 comment:

Ruth Ann said...

good old Dordt! :) Any chance we could have another reunion weekend there? xoxo