Monday, July 09, 2012

School. In the summer.

This is my third summer of taking grad school classes, and let me just is...interesting. I don't want to say I hate it, because I don't. I also don't want to say I love it, because I most certainly do not. I guess I'm in the middle, but definitely leaning toward the not liking it so much side. Two online the summer...when I have nothing else going on...seems like such a reasonable task, wouldn't you say? Well, the problems come in when I realize it is 9:30pm California time on a Monday, and our assignment is due at midnight on Monday, Iowa time. Oops. Or, when I realize I was kind of supposed to be updating this one assignment and re-posting it to my group members so they could give me constructive feedback? Yeah, just remembered that today too. Oh, and I quick made a powerpoint this afternoon and posted that - supposed to be due today as I guess I made the cutoff. Whew. I live on the edge. :) 4 weeks to go, and then I get to travel back to MN to see the whole family in one place! Wa-hoo! Life has truly been glorious, though. It has. Summer is the bomb, especially when you have friends with a pool, and when your friends come over to sit by your side while you create aforementioned powerpoint (is that how you use that word....aforementioned? I'm just trying to be cool). Oh, and remember in my last post I talked about that black box with lots of cords that you use for the internet? Yep, it's called a ROUTER. Duh. Remembered that after I shut my computer off last time. :) This week is pretty full with lots to do....youth group as usual (if you've got a mixer idea, send it my Tuesday afternoon!), then a wedding on Thursday, and a movie night at church on Friday. SO FUN. Can it be summer all the time...? OK, confession time. You will never believe it. I am watching The Bachelorette. I know, the horror, right? Seriously. I haven't watched ALL season, but definitely have seen the last 4 episodes, and just invited a bunch of chicas over (to the Slager's house where I am house-sitting) to wach tonight's episode....what has happened to me? I guess I am a sucker for romance...even if it is forced, scripted, and televised. Aaaand, that's all I got for now. Maybe more later. Adios, amigos.

1 comment:

momma k said...

Bachelorette huh . . . now get Lisa writing again so that we can compare both sides of reality tv.