Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lightning speed.

Heavens. I don't think I have ever gone this long without posting on my blog. How did that happen? Oh wait, I the words of Brittany Lane, "I am teaching 120%." Not just a full load of classes (5 classes with 2 preps), but rather....6 glorious classes, with 1 prep. Except on Tuesdays, when I don't get a prep at all. Complaining? No, I am not complaining....remember where I was this time last year? Sheesh. I'd much rather be teaching 120% and being a little worn out than searching for a job, and sleeping in unto 10am every day. Shoot. to update ALL my fabulous blog readers (ha...all 7 of ya) on life for little Al pal over the last month? Oh boy... First things first. God is doing mighty works in my life, as always. Just when I think I have understood His Word, or gotten a grasp on his love for me, or his unending grace, I am overwhelmed once again by His greatness. It is unbelievable. We had a spiritual emphasis week at school in September, and my pal Brittany brought the WORD to our, it was just awesome. Lives changed that day. Volunteering at youth group every week has given me the consistency that I need for serving Him, and for reaching out to the high school kiddos in my church. Our numbers are not huge, but we know how to have a good time, and the new youth leader is pretty great too. :) Some people asked me when I moved from Ontario to La Habra whether or not I'd find a new church, new small group, and stop serving in our high school ministry. There have been times when I thought maybe I would look for another church closer to where I am living now...but every time I think about quitting my leadership with the youth group, I get sad...God is using that group to teach ME things about Himself...and every Sunday I am reminded again why I have consistently attended The Bridge since my first few weeks in Cali. Have ya'll heard of Beth Moore? Well, this past weekend I had the privilege of hearing her speak at a conference for 2 days, and it was awesome. If you ever get the chance to hear Beth Moore...or any other really great Christian speaker, GO. Just when I was about at my wit's end (yep...I had a slight emotional breakdown this past week...7 weeks of school with no break, anyone?), and this weekend seemed like just the right time for me to take a few days away from "normal life" and hear God speak to me through this awesome woman. I learned so much, and am so thankful for the experience...I will tell you more about it in another blog post. :) In other news.........our school had Homecoming last weekend, and I helped out at the dance...which is always a fun time. Props to my pal, Kylie, for putting on an awesome event for our kiddos! The whole dance was Pixar themed - and each class was given a different Pixar movie to dress up cute is that? It was super fun to see what kids wore to the dance. FUN, FUN, FUN. Ah.......there is so much more to tell...but I gotta put on my running shoes and go meet said pal, Kylie. We are going to run on the track at Biola - we did it last Sunday night too, and it was the perfect ending to my we're going again. Ah.....night runs with a friend. Good times. Lastly......just about every day my students say something hilarious to me that I think about posting on my blog...but then of course, I am teaching I never quite get around to it. But I just want to share this one quote from a kid - I laughed so hard when he said it. Maybe you will not laugh...but I am going to document it on my blog for myself anyway. I was sitting at my computer, logging into the site where we take attendance, and this kid says, "Ms. K, you type like lightning speed!" HA! It's true. I do type like lightning speed. So I've got that going for me.... OK....for REAL last thing.....I just booked a flight for Thanksgiving in Michigan with my parents, Joel, Lora, and Alberto!!!!! YAY for holidays with the family...! And......lastly..... "Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, forever......"

1 comment:

momma k said...

Well said . . . PREACH IT girl! gkmama