Tuesday, January 08, 2013

A big day.

Today was a good one, I tell you. A. Good. One. What, on a Tuesday? you ask yourselves. Yes, even on a Tuesday. I went to the doctor this morning - which meant a few things: I got to sleep in longer than normal, and enjoyed putzing around my house with the sun shining in while I sipped 3(!) cups of coffee before driving away. I will hopefully soon find out why in the world I sleep like a bear during hibernation (sometimes 13 or 14 hours in a day/night...really?) I did not have to teach 6 classes straight with no prep period (yay!). Then I got to eat lunch with some of my favorites: Whitney and Kylie. We talked about the latest happenings in our lives, and as always, shared a few laughs. The day just got better and better.... I love my 6th period class. They are FUN. They make me laugh out loud, and I think they are learning something every now and then! Later today, I got to hang out with Megan Z. This is a RARE occasion, so I relished in the fact that I was chillin' on her couch at 5 in the evening. Then...to my surprise, I opened a cute little card that I thought was going to be a belated Christmas card, but instead was a question: "Will you be my bridesmaid?"(I said I'd check my calendar. Just kidding. Navy blue bridesmaid dress...here I come!) As if that was not enough fun in the day, Megan and I got to meet little baby Hudson James Halma tonight!! Hudson's poor mommy was so worn out from, you know, being a new mom, that when we got there with dinner, she was in bed already. Thankfully new daddy Rob and Grandma Sue were there, and we each got to hold and love on baby Hudson. What a gem! More than once I was told, "Allison, you sure are good with babies! You are the real baby whisperer. When Hudson wakes up in the middle of the night, I know who Katie is calling!" Ha ha ha.......turns out starting my babysitting career at age 12 has given me a gift with those little ones. What can I say? :) Lastly....when I got home tonight I (naturally) logged onto Facebook to see that 2 people are engaged. Big deal, right? Happens every day in the Facebook world, right? Well, yes, that is true....but this one was more of a surprise/exciting one for me. Maybe you will remember me mentioning this super awesome Nicaraguan kid named Gerson - who my brother taught at NCA, and who I get to joyfully support as a student at Calvin College. Well, apparently Joel and Lora were such good role models in the marriage department that he decided to get engaged himself - to a girl who also went to NCA, and who is also a student at Calvin College. Oh, the love that flows from that college, I tell you what. Sheesh. I didn't find my soulmate there...but so many others have...and I love it (sort of. And I sort of hate it. It's a love/hate thing for me) Well, that is enough excitement for the day. You blog readers are lucky I am even posting this right now, because normally I'd be long asleep....but I am waiting for my sheets to dry so I can make my bed, and then GO to bed. HA! Here's to medical insurance, great co-workers, fun students, a tried and true friend, weddings, babies, engagements,and clean sheets. :)

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