Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Always an adventure.

As you can probably imagine, I am still in the midst of LOVING my summer vacay. Actually, it feels like I have had a really long summer - even with a month of traveling in the midwest paired with grad school. For all you hating me right now, just know that my summer does in fact come to an end in a short time...in fact, we start meetings next week.

I guess I will start with today. Today is a very special day - it's my mom's birthday! My mom is the coolest PE teacher I have ever known, and she is always up for a good time - whether it be hosting 15 guests at the lake, baking banana chocolate chip muffins to no end, walking the dog at 5am, or visiting her kids and grandkids all over the place. I love my mom so much - Happy Birthday, mom!!

Believe it or not, I am going to an outdoor concert tonight - John Mayer! I know, it is supposed to be 112 degrees for a high in SoCal today...but I can be swayed pretty easily on these things. We found out we cannot bring lawn chairs, and if we want to bring food, it has to "be in a ziplock baggie." I plan to stuff my purse with as many ziplock baggies as I can! :) The last time I saw John Mayer was my senior year in high school with my friend Katie - and I loved him then, so I am sure tonight will be a blast.

I got a voicemail yesterday from my sister that said "Just checking in! Also, Nate and I think it is really time for you to change your voicemail message - everyone knows what to do, Allison, you don't have to tell them." Noted. :)

My mom is probably going to be annoyed when she reads this next part, but I have to write it anyway. So remember back in the spring when I was getting dizzy spells, and even had to leave school one day because I didn't know if I'd be able to stand very much longer? Well, I think I have figured out the trigger....and I feel a little dumb about it, actually. Background to my "lightbulb" moment: Aaron and I ran around doing random stuff yesterday, then sat down for a delicious dinner of leftovers, and were planning to hit up the hot tub in my apt complex. All of a sudden I felt so dizzy, and knew there was no way I was heading to the hot tub, nor was I able to eat any more. As I got on the phone to call the 24-hour nurse to check on a medication that might help me, I realized it has been a few days since I last took this OTHER medication that I am supposed to take every day. (If you must know....I take it for anxiety.) Anyway, in my mind, when I ran out of that medication, and it was the weekend, and didn't think the pharmacy would be open, I thought, "Well, I have nothing to be anxious about right now, so it's no big deal if I miss a few days." BAD MOVE. People, you are all probably much more wise in this than I am...since I feel like I am constantly re-learning the lesson that I AM NOT INVINCIBLE! Ha! Thankfully the nurse on the phone informed me of the 24-hour pharmacy not too far away, and Aaron is the most patient, gracious, and giving guy I have ever met....so we made a small road trip. Got the medicine, took it, and today am feeling like a super star! Laugh it up, call me an irresponsible adult, call me delinquint....whatever. I'll get it figured out one of these days. Sheesh.

Funny - as I am looking back at what I just wrote, I am reminded of my sister's post from the other day. She said she doesn't want to put too much personal info on her blog...and here I go on and on for a paragraph telling you my medical fiasco. Too much?

Last thing I must mention!! Last Friday my friend Sarah got married! It was a beautiful outdoor wedding....Aaron wore a brand new outfit, I wore a new dress, I met a fun guy from Egypt at my table, AND the wedding favor was filling up a baggie with candy at the candy buffet! Delic.

Ok, I'm out. I promise I will post pictures of my new haircut and of Aaron and I the night of Sarah's wedding so you can oooh and ahh at how cute we are. :)


momma k said...

Thanks for the bday shout out. I love you too! Not annoyed at all - just happy you had the "aha moment".

Heidi said...

Oh you. Too much to say. Mom knows the phrase "shout out."