Sunday, April 08, 2012

A reciting of Psalm 23.

Making changes can be fun and nerve-wracking. I decided to make a few changes on my blog...will you still read it? I was getting kind of bored of what I had, and decided to browse the different colors and fonts that blogspot has to offer. The font I chose is called, "Covered By Grace." Ok, confession: I chose the font partially because of the name, and mostly because I think it now looks like I am writing a letter to a friend intead of typing on a computer, and that to me seems more personable. We'll see how it goes. If my family starts calling me up and saying it is too hard to read or something, I'll change it again. For now, go ahead and read this letter from me:

Dear people who read my blog,
It's Easter Sunday, and it has been a special day for me. Since I am leaving for Nicaragua tomorrow, I wanted to kind of be home today, so I sadly turned down an invitation to spend time with my cousins in Laguna Beach. I know, who would turn down such an opportunity?? My pastor and his wife had invited me and a friend from my small group to spend Easter with them locally, so for the first time ever, I ate Easter dinner at BJ's Brewery. Thai mango salad and pizza. Chocolate peanut butter pie for dessert. YUM. I feel privileged to have spent the day with such quality people, who know me so well.

Have you all heard of The Jesus Storybook Bible? My sister introduced it to me a few years ago and since then I have given it as a gift at a few baby showers. My friend and co-worker Brittany has a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible in her classroom, and on Thursday morning before classes, she read me a few of her favorite stories. (side note: Brittany has couches in her classroom, so we sat in "the livingroom" on her green couches and got inspired before teaching) I am glad I met and am becoming friends with such a cool chica like Brittany - we sometimes speak Spanish to each other at work, and she lets me come sit in her classroom-living room when I am stressed or tired or just need a pick-me-up.

A few weeks ago, my small group leaders videotaped their oldest son Jack saying Psalm 23, and I think it is precious. I hope you are able to view it through this link here. If not, I recently learned about this site called "GodTube" where my friend Ben posted the video.

This will be the end of my very random blog post. I hope it was worth the read (at least for the video, right?) :)


Joel and Lora said...

I like the new orange look of the blog :)

momma k said...

I like the orange swirlishness. I love the font . . . but most of all I love what you share. gkmama