Monday, May 28, 2012

"...An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess"

Last weekend I gave Megan a few books for a graduation gift. Funny thing is that I got the same books for myself, because I have heard they are brilliant. I started reading this one a little while ago, and every night as I read a few pages before going to sleep, I am convicted. I am saying, EVERY night. Every time I open this book, I am convicted. The book? Seven, by Jen Hatmaker. I am telling you, this book is up there with Shane Claiborne's books. In fact, Jen has met Shane...they share a lot of ideas. Um...awesome. There are tons of things I want to post about this book, but it's 11:30pm, and I have my LAST DAY OF TEACHING I can't stay up too much later, but I could not go to sleep without letting my small world of blog readers know about this book. (I actually wanted to get on the phone and call some of you fun people to discuss these ideas, but then looked at the time....) Seriously, order 7 online when you can, and then grab a pen and some paper, because you are going to want to jot down some notes every time you turn the page. Seriously, people. If you do not feel like being rocked, changed, moved, saddened, filled with hope, and convicted....don't read the book. For those of you who are crazy enough to check it out, I am telling you, God will speak into your life in a GOOD way. Not an easy way...but in a good way. much more to say....but I will have to leave you in suspense until another day. For now, here are some quotes from the book, Seven: An Experimenal Mutiny Against Excess "I mean, seriously, do we really NEED more new clothes? When do we put the breaks on this runaway train? When I consider our resources, buying more clothes to add to the 327 I already own is positively stupid." "Create margin for God to move." "What if my silly little individual purchases DO matter? What if I joined a different movement, one that was less enticed by luxuries and more interested in justice? What if I believed every dollar spent is vital, a potential soldier in the war on inequality?" "If we all raised others up instead of raising ourselves a little higher, there would be few needs left on earth." "The working poor get lost in the shuffle." "I wondered if the American church was like well-mannered nice-talkers, sitting in a living room sipping coffee, talking about choir practice, while the world burns down outside our windows. While the richest people on earth pray to get richer, the rest of the world begs for intervention with their faces pressed to the window, watching us drink our coffee, unruflled by their suffering. It's just not right." And finally....... "The church is not beyond the movement of Jesus. A stirring is happening within the Bride. God is awakening the church from her slumber, initiating a profound advancement of the kingdom." WHOA.

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