Sunday, November 18, 2012

CIF champs....and a newfound love for Barnabus.

Alright. I took some pictures at the CIF championship volleyball game yesterday morning, but you know how poor my photography skills I apologize if you can't even really tell what is going on in these pics. Fortunately, my pal Nicole Nicolaides took some better pics and put them on facebook, so I that's where those came from. Thanks, Nicole...and Happy Birthday! (Nicole is assistant Athletic Director, Girls Tennis and Girls soccer coach, and weight training teacher extraodinaire) If you can't tell by these pictures...our girls won CIF yesterday! Wa-hoo! I am so glad I got to be there - our crowd was huge (as you can tell by one of my pics), and after the second game, two of our head Administration guys took the "WCHS Volleyball" sign and ran with it across the front of the crowd. Awesome. I sat next to my pal Brittany, and we were so nervous the whole time, she kept saying to me, "I can't watch, I'm so nervous for the girls!" We were so thankful we got to be there for our coaching pals Shawn, Kelly, Carissa, Andrew, and Kent. (yes, all of those people help to coach girls volleyball at WCHS, and I get to be friends with them ALL!) Well, it is a beautiful day here in SoCal...I think I might go for a walk/run later today. I went to Grace EV Free church again today, and loved it once again. The speaker had a much different style from last weeks' speaker, but it was rich in theological content, and I quite enjoyed it. In fact, it truly made me nostalgic for Calvin College - I think during my Religion and Theology classes I was so overwhelmed with the whole "Faith based learning" concept that I couldn't take the time to let it all sink in and apply it to my life. I am constantly thinking, "Man, if I could go back to Calvin as the mature 28 year old that I am..." ha ha. I am kind of joking with that....but seriously - I think my frame of mind would be much different if I were to attend Calvin classes now. (This next paragraph is for my own if you are bored when you read it, sorry. I just wanted to flesh out some of my thoughts I had while at Grace this morning.) At church the speaker talked about Barnabus, and his role in the early church in Acts, and how if Barnabus would not have "gone to the margins" and pulled people in to the Jesus movement, things would have happened very differently, and that would have affected our churches even today. From what I understood of today's message - because of the influence of Barnabus, the Gentiles (or non-Jews...including me) did not/(do not) have to go through religious/cultural changes just to be taught the Scriptures and be a part of the church. (We) do not have to "become circumsised" like the Jews just so we can hear the Scriptures. Though we do not fit the "type" that should be allowed to hear and understand the Scriptures, we get to ....because Barnabus reached out to the margins - to the poor, non-Jewish people and brought them to hear the preaching of the Word. Because of Barnabus and his concern for those in the margins (and probably a whole host of other reasons that I am unaware of due to my limited theological understanding)...I get to be a part of the church today! Does that make sense? It really all goes back to what God has done for us in Christ Jesus - He came to the margins where we all were/(are), and invited us into His movement - exactly as we are/(were). I had heard and read about Barnabus before, and I knew he was a cool guy, but now I have a lot more respect for him. I would want to be friends with him. In fact, my pal Brittany said on the way out of church today, "I'd want to marry Barnabus if I were living during that time." HA! Well, is that enough info on the life of Allison for one Sunday afternoon? I suppose so. Time to take a nap. Or go for a walk. Or brew some coffee and watch shows on Hulu. So many options....and only 3 days till Michigan!!!

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