Tuesday, March 12, 2013

On meeting goals and running into students.

Wow. If I don't document this right now, I am going to forget it, which would be a tragedy. A) My one goal for the week last week was to get my lazy booty over to the YMCA and join it, already! I mean, how many times does it take your doc telling you, "Well, you should NOT be walking or running with your condition...your best bet is water aerobics and swimming...." to actually commit to the YMCA? Well....Saturday was my day. I guess after sleeping for 6 hours after school, then sleeping a full 8 hours at night will get ya all ready to go on a Saturday morning! So off I went to sign up at the YMCA. Goal = met. (PS: I do not normally set goals. I almost never achieve them.) B)I had good intentions of going to Water Zumba on Monday night. Started at 7pm....you'd think I could sneak in a quick nap before the class, then head to the YMCA ready for a workout. NOT SO. Instead....after school I slept again...for an insane amount of hours, and then went to bed after that. Really? Who am I? C) Today was the day. My longest teaching day. The first day of the week I get to see my Spanish 2 cheribs I love oh so much. (I do love them...just not corporately...in a classroom...) Literally, people...by 7th period on Tuesdays I am slurring my words, and telling kids they can "Go outside to share in your groups" knowing full well they will go outside and NOT share. Rather...they will try to hide in the bushes. (A student did that today. No joke. I found him. I am so good at hide and seek!) I stumble to my car (which STILL does not have a functioning driver's side door handle...meaning I slink in the back seat, reach through to the front and attempt to open it with enough force but not too much force that it will hit a car next to me. yeah...that's been going on for 3+ weeks). OK...I stumble to my car, drive home, promptly slide into my sweats, and fall into a slumber. Wake up at 6pm......SWEET! Just enough time to eat a few pieces of lunch meat and a protein bar, change into my swimsuit (yikes) and head to the YMCA. D) Arrival at the YMCA = check. Not without it's hitches...but I made it. Now, the YMCA is a mere 5 minute drive from my home...but somehow I managed to take the wrong road(s) and it took my about 15 minutes. Oops. E) Walk to the pool and wait for class to start = check. SEE A (current) STUDENT TEACHING SWIMMING LESSONS TO CHILDREN IN SAME POOL? = CHECK. What? Really? I put on my swimsuit for the first time in ages...knowing full well I am not "beach ready", and there is my lovely estudiante....helping a child learn to put their head in the water without drowning. Really. Just my luck. Oh...the fun doesn't end there! F) Continue waiting and make conversation with (older) ladies. Instructor comes over to me...says, "OK, now since this is your first time, you're going to want to take it easy, maybe not do all the stuff I have them do tonight. And next week I will have to show you the more advanced moves, since I am not getting in the pool tonight." OK, captain. Thanks. About 6 of us hop in the pool, and 5 of them say, "Ooooh, it is chilly tonight!" (Mind you, this is an INDOOR pool, heated to 84 degrees. Chilly? Try jumping off the dock at Green Lake in June. Then you'll know cold.) G) Class begins with warm-up. The instructor knows I am new...so she really zeroes in on me. "You'll want to go slowly now, not too big of arm circles....," etc. After a bit, she says, "Wow! You really know what you are doing! It usually takes people awhile to get all these moves down!" I finally admit, "Um...well, I have been to water aerobics before, when I lived in Chino." "You look great!" says the instructor. Self esteem boost for the WEEK, baby! :) H) Class is almost over. We're doing the cool down. Wait. I didn't know we had done a work out. Hard to tell, I guess. This isn't Jillian Michaels or anything, apparently. So we're cooling down, and it comes out that I am a Spanish teacher at WCHS. "OH you are?! My kids went to that school!" and the names flow out of the instructor's mouth, as I try my best to hear her over the Boy Scouts in the other lane getting tested for their swimming capabilities. "Neat!" I reply (or something like that), and the instructor says, "When you get out, I'll have to tell you a story. It's pretty funny." I) Class ends - after only about 45 minutes of.....moving our bodies a little bit...in the water. My heart's not pumping too hard, but I'll chalk it up as my first water aerobics workout and call it a night! Quick story from the instructor about one of her kids that went to WCHS...and I am off. J) WAIT. I left out a part. Remember how I saw a student teaching swimming lessons earlier? And remember how the Boy Scouts came (about 40 of them, no joke) to get tested? Yeah..well....one of those boy scouts.....MY STUDENT. My MALE student. Yep. In all his boy scout and swim trunk glory. I saw him. Pretty sure he did NOT see me. I hid as deep in the water as I could without my head completely under. Sheesh. I guess that's what happens when you move to the community in which you teach! :) So how's that for a Tuesday night?

1 comment:

momma k said...

Seeing students working at the Y has to be better than seeing them smoking outside of the grocery store you are walking into. Happened to me all the time.