Friday, April 05, 2013

A long list.

My lack of blogging is shameful, really. I guess I have not been super inspired...good thing blogging is not my day job, right? Sheesh. So instead of a well-written narrative, you get to read a list of what's been going on/what I have been loving/what I have NOT been loving in this season: 1) Love: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I laugh out loud in every episode. 2) Love: The Colbert Report. I laugh out loud in every episode. 3) Going on: teaching...grading...trying to stay sane until Good Friday - when my Easter Break started. 4) Easter break!!!! I have been so utterly lazy. Watching Seasons 2 and 3 of Glee on DVD, napping, reading, etc. 5) Re-discovered love: The public library. I was inspired to read the "classics" that my students are forced to read for their English classes, and I was fondly remembering what I had to read as well. Last week I read (not all area classics/from high school...some are purely for pleasure): "Our Town," "A Separate Peace," "Salem Falls," (Jodi Piccolt) 6) Re-discovered love: the voices of the characters on Glee. Darren Criss...where do you live? Can we hang out sometime? Seriously. 7) Life is happening all around me....what I mean by that is...Megan and Jeremy are getting married in June. Lindsay just had her 2nd baby boy. Liz is having a baby in September. My "friends" all over facebook are having babies and living happily married's crazy! (and fun) 8)A trip down south: after a great Easter service at my church, my pal Brittany and I headed down to Escondido to eat a yummy meal with her family, and spend the night in a HOME. :) So much fun with the Lane family....I hugged her brother Marc right when I met him. Like, walked into the kitchen, watched Brittany hug him, then I just went for it. Yep, I did that. We had an impromtu dance party - Marc was the DJ, Brittany and I were the dancers. So. Sweaty. Layed by the pool, ate lots of good food, read books, made dinner, played speed Scrabble, complained about teaching 6 classes, came home. FUN. 9) Worked at school: NOT AT ALL. Ha! I had high hopes, oh yes I did. I thought that for sure I'd go to school and grade all those projects, that I'd plan out the next few weeks of lessons, that I'd get pumped.'s almost Saturday, and I have done none of that. Ha! 10) The YMCA: student sightings are a regular occurance, I just have to be okay with that. Yep. I have made new friends at water of the instructors is in college, and she actually invited me to a "90's party" tonight. I jokingly asked, "Yeah, well, when does it start, like 10pm? Ha ha ha." "Yeah, that's about right," she said. As you can probably guess, I will not be making an appearance. 10pm start time? Who does she think I am? I am grateful for a new friend though. :) 11) Shopping: I do not enjoy shopping. I don't enjoy it when I HAVE to get shoes, or a dress, or a swimsuit, or work pants. I have not had much luck in the past. My cutest clothes come from my friends' tossed aside clothing articles (thanks, Zwier and Karen!) But today I had a find a super cute bridesmaid dress so I don't look like a slob standing next to the Zwier beauties in a few months. I struck gold today. :) A navy blue knee length dress with white polka dots. It is the perfect length, has pockets, and somehow makes me look a lot thinner than I am in actuality. WIN! Pictures to come when I am not taking the picture myself in the Macy's dressing room with the sole purpose of texting it to the bride to be. :) 12) Appreciated: a few weeks ago, our ASB director told all the kiddos at school that between certain dates, it was Teacher Appreciation Week. Along with that, she assigned a super cute gift idea for each day - and if they wanted, kids could give those certian gifts to us. Well, again, I struck gold. My kids are the best. I am telling you. One day, the gift was apples - and I am telling you - I got so many apples! I even got a (small) apple pie! Another day was chocolate gifts....LOVE. Another day was gift cards...Starbucks has seen my beautiful (addicted) self just about every day since then. Cards, words of encouragement, and yummy food - it was a great week to be a teacher. :) 13) Many moments of self-reflection: Oh boy. I tell you what. I think I am actually learning from past mistakes. I think I am actually beginning to LISTEN to voices of reason in my life rather than just HEARING them. I am standing up for what I need...for what I want....not settling.....not giving in....and respecting myself.....saying no to things and yes to others.... (does this all sound really ambiguous to you, reader? Yeah? Well....ask me about it later. This is all I want to publish, okay?) 14) Taxes: I did them. By myself. Using an online program. I only called my mom once. She didn't answer. I figured it out myself. I had to pay a bit. That's life, I guess. Thankful for an income. :) 15) Love...and a little bit sad....: One of my all time favorite shows is ending. I will write one of my all time favorite quotes here to see if you can guess said show. "There were these huge bins of clothes and everyone was rifling through them, like crazy, and I grabbed one. And it fit. So I don't think this is totally just a woman's suit." (WHO SAID IT???) :) Aaaaaaand that's about it for now. I checked out a few new books and rented DVDs at the library today. (In case you were wondering what DVDs...."Arrested Development season 3" and "The Interpreter") These things are not going to read/watch themselves. Here's to 2 more full days of Easter break bliss. :)

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