Thursday, July 26, 2012

Avocado Pudding

I said I would post pictures from my dinner with Brittany Lane. First, I thought you should see who this cool gal Brittany is...I stole these photos from her facebook page, because I forgot to take any of the two of us on Monday night. So, here she is:
I thought these three pics would give you a true picture of my pal. :) And now here are some pictures from the dessert I made for after dinner. My sister gave me the here are the ingredients BEFORE:
And here is the product AFTER: Avocado pudding!
Not too exciting, I know. I did take some pictures of the actual meal I made, but they were LAME. Some people are so talented when it comes to taking pictures of their delicious creations...but I am NOT good at taking said pictures. So, you'll have to enjoy the few that I posted. PS: in case you were wondering...I am sitting at Starbucks right now, and I just finished a Grad school assignment. Be proud of me. :)


Nate Cole said...

So was it good or not???

A Klein said...

Nate Cole: I think I put too much cinnamin in the it was overpowering it. Not good. I'll have to try again with the expert, Heidi Cole.