Sunday, February 10, 2013

Go Heidi, it's your birthday....

FIRST and foremost..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HEIDI MARIE COLE! I don't think I have ever actually called her Heidi Marie Cole in my whole life. Well, today is the first. :) Heidi is my sister - through and through. She was the one who used to curl my hair for school pictures and ice shows. She is the one who shared a room with me for a few excruciating years...years of me idolizing her to no end, and her trying to escape my stare and live her own life. Heidi is the sister who taped my awful rendition of "Pink Cadillac" whilst I was in the shower one day. Wonder where that tape is today. I am sure my dad has it somewhere. :) Oh, Heidi. Happy birthday, big sis. You are STILL my model today. Why, if only I could be as smart and talented as you! You have taught me oodles of life advice. You introduced me to the love of adoption and multi-ethnic families. You introduced me to "The Office," and "The Colbert Report" and have influenced me to read "Time" Magazine. You are a jokester to no end..and text me hilarious things such as "Whatcha doin'?" in the summer time when you are outside your home in MI trying to keep your kiddos entertained while I am workin on grad school homework. You are the one who, when we are at the lake in the summer, says, "I'm going to ride my bike around the lake every night. You in?" Last but not are the one who has showed me what real, unrelenting, unwavering, solid faith in Christ looks like. From the time you read the Bible in a the time you said to me (in regards to dating/marriage), "A praying couple stays together!" and the one who, when I was a lonely rookie teacher out in California, sent me little post-cards from your "Gracestoration" Bible study that taught me to "GET OUT OF THE PITY PIT!" and things like that. Heidi - you are who I want to be when I grow up. Truly, I do. I love you more than you know. Happy birthday, big sis. (now please don't mind if I post a few pics I have of you...and us.)

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